In any case, the day was exactly what it needed to be for each of us. We shared. We teared up. We remembered. We told stories. We were taken back to that time, thankful to all the people who loved us alongside the sadness and thankful to Duncan for the lessons he taught us and the ways we have been transformed as a result.
That. Was. Yesterday.
And today. Today was about revealing a whole new chapter of our family existence. Today was about life. And newness. And what lies ahead. At 19 weeks, today was when we had the anatomy ultra sound for baby.
So I went to bed last night in one place. And I woke up this morning in another.
Kinda strange, actually, to feel that polar. And there was a thin thread of sadness and anxiousness that connected the two... one which left us slightly panicky, despite the enthusiasm and excitement, during the technician's examination of the four chambers of the heart, the measurements of the skull, the extra notation about the nose and back-of-neck due to the fact that I am over 35, the pinpointing of the kidneys, bowel, spine, femur... Once you know all the ways a baby can be unhealthy, it's hard to assume that the one growing inside of you is perfectly healthy.
But that is what happened today. Once I got all my goop off, the doc entered the room with the immediate news that ours was a very boring, normal ultra sound and that baby was healthy and growing perfectly. Sweet relief! Boring! We like boring! Scott's body language let out a breath... his lungs did, but so did his whole entire body.
And now for the part we have all been waiting for: WHAT WAS BETWEEN THE LEGS???
Will Scott drink from a glass of blue milk or pink milk??
Will Scott drink from a glass of blue milk or pink milk??
Take a moment to watch the gender reveal clip below to get your answer:
Well, sheesh. We had this cute little moment (filmed) with Jackson, Sullivan, and Anderson looking on to discover which glass Daddy would drink from. But it's not uploading right. Trust me, it's cute.