Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Birthday mix-up

So, Sullivan's birthday is coming up, and I was picking his brain about his little milkshake celebration. He decided to invite a few friends to a local diner where not only can you enjoy old-fashioned milkshakes but also benefit from an accompanying arcade game area.

He begins listing off more than a handful of kiddos in his class. I interrupted at that point to suggest that for birthday gatherings, "We really want to invite the friends we are close to."

Seemed to be digesting.

"How far away does ___ live?" "How far away does ____ live?" "How far away does _____ live?"


Once he latched on to proximity, he refused - like a bulldog - to let it go. So, even repeated attempts to clarify the misunderstanding have only led to a return to that criteria. I finally just lied and said each of his favs live equidistant from our house.

Give that kid a criteria, and he will meet it. Give him a map, and he will follow it. I love this nearly-7-year-old literalist of mine.

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