Our adventure started out with lots of big ole bumps and dips and I-want-to-go-backs. And has evolved into a place to chronicle it all: the sweet, the contemplative, the painful, and the please-say-I'm-not-alone...Welcome. And please say I'm not alone.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Future Polo Models of America
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Our Princes
We played for awhile today in our Bumbos (those stinkin halarious chairs). I love this shot because it captures Duncan peering over at Grinning Jackson with his one eye as if to say, "What the heck are you laughing at?"
Sometimes Jackson helps me with laundry
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
No news to report on Jackson. He keeps growing and smiling. Two things he does best!
With all the pertinent info out of the way, I want to explain that Scott and I are doing OK. We are a bit strung out, as you can imagine, with new "complications" popping up surrounding Duncan. One cannot help but wonder if Duncan's complications are all somehow connected to his heart troubles. As always, though, we try to stay positive and faithful.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Picture of the Week - projectile pee pee
Scott is in Michigan at the present moment, celebrating the union of two of our dear friends, Naveen and Kristin. I am totally ticked I cannot join him at the wedding. It will be one heck of a good time! But a 6 hour drive seemed a bit unreasonable with two little ones. I have an army of help to keep me sane here at the homestead. Dear KK is having a "slumber party" with me tonight (at least that's how I described her invite for an overnight stay when I was enlisting her help!), and our cousin, Heather, will be offering her services Saturday night. She has even volunteered to do ALL the overnight feedings so that I can get a full night's rest. What an angel! Plus, there are all sorts of people visiting with me Sat and Sun to make the time pass. I am so lucky.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Clean Bill of Health
As for his weight: Duncan is 9 lbs 4 ozs. We have NO idea about Jackson's weight, but I would guess he's nearing the 12 lb. mark.
I was feeling icky all last week and can finally say that I have successfully knocked whatever bug I had... and now Scott came home with a soar throat today. Yikes. We can't seem to stay healthy... yet the little tikes with the most vulnerable immune systems are pulling through just great (so far!)!
And now, the main reason I know most of our regular blog-checkers keep up with this site... THE PICTURES:
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Two Peas in an Overstuffed Chair
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Runnin for Duncan
We recently sent this email out. If you are interested, take a read. If you think anyone else would be interested, pass along this information. THANKS!
Friends and Family,
Over the past few months, Scott and I have been learning how to parent a child with congenitial heart disease. Duncan has hypoplastic left heart syndrome and has completed the first of three surgies. Luckily, things have been going well and he continues to get stronger. He and his twin brother, Jackson, just turned 3 months! The precious moments we have with Duncan today are a result of the Heart Center at Childrens Hospital.
It is with that sentiment that we are asking for your help and generosity. Scott and I have decided to run the Columbus 1/2 marathon and we want to run with Duncan in mind and of families who will use the Heart Center in the future.
We are asking those closest to us to donate money to the Columbus Childrens Heart Center. We thought the following commitment levels made sense:
$1 per mile =$26.20
$2 per mile = 52.40
$3 per mile = $78.60
$4 per mile = $104.80
$5 per mile = $131.00
Some of you may be able to do more, some less. We hope you find yourself at one of these levels. We have talked with Columbus Childrens Foundation and they gave us the following link:
Simply fill out their online form and type "Duncan Arthur" in the tribute space. This will help us determine how much we have raised and it allows us to send our appreciation!
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers over the past three months. We have felt them! Please check our blog with updates! www.arthuradventure.blogspot.com.
Scott and Tricia
#1: Jackson performed his first trick today: rolled from his tummy to his back! I laid him on a blanket on the floor on his tummy and went to change Duncan's diaper. When I returned he was on his back. I thought I may have miscalculated his position before, so I flipped him back on his belly for observation. Sure enough, I saw it with my own two eyes - 3 MORE TIMES! It wasn't just a fluke!
#2: Duncan drank like a champ today when we tried nursing. He acted like he'd been doing it for years... so natural! You should see them both going at the same time. It's so amazing! I am a lucky girl to have both breast feeding again.
This afternoon is the first trial run. I am OFF dairy products while Duncan is breast feeding, so I needed to wait a day to get yesterday's cereal out of my system. Duncan has only attempted nursing once when he was about a month old. The other milk he received from me was pumped and eaten through a bottle. So we'll see how well he likes THE REAL DEAL. Hope he knows what to do!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
3 months and growing!
The newest things: They both coo like crazy. They both give those gummy grins when you act like a fool in front of them. They both have particular pacifiers that they enjoy greatly. They both still LOVE being swaddled. They both can make it about 6 hours at night before waking up starved (sure beats 3 hours, but we're working on 8!!!).
Duncan is big on jamming his knuckles in his mouth - both when he is hungry and when he is not. He fights daytime sleep like it's the enemy, not wanting to miss much (still sleeping well at night though). He is a cuddly son of a gun, sometimes resisting a nap until someone agrees to allow their shoulder to be his pillow. He always had one hand up near his face (kinda like when he was attempting to jam himself down the birth canal that way - that is, until Dr. Paul "manipulated" his position. Thank GOD for the epidurral!).
Jackson holds his head up like it's his job (Duncan still working in that area). He always positions his eyebrows like he is bearing the weight of the world - so pensive and concerned. He just began yesterday the start of a belly giggle - not just a coo but an all out chuckle. He is pretty self satisfying, cool to hang out by himself and watch his surroundings. He LOVES sleep and could nap on a rock if you laid him there. When laid on his back, you'd think he were practicing to be a cyclist with his legs going round and round. As you can tell, I'm in love.
In other news, tomorrow is a big day for Duncan - his GI doc meets with us to discuss what is next for his diet. Currently, he is still drinking that specialized formula, Neocate. Our prayer is that Dr. Boyle will recommend reintroducing breast milk in hopes that either A) he outgrew what we think was a food allergy (obtained through my breast milk) or B) we can whittle away at my diet until we determine what the allergy specifically is and I will avoid those foods. Both Scott and I are eager for him to get breast milk again. The Neocate smells and seemingly tastes disgusting. Duncan sucks away at the start of his bottle, but eventually makes faces to indicate his disgust. But we also are pulling for the change, because the Neocate is a royal PAIN to prepare (require sterile water) and bottle duty gets old too. Wouldn't it be great to breast feed them at the SAME time?!?!?! Talk about efficiency! With all my new spare time obtained from consolidating to one instead of two separate feedings, I might decide to run for congress, or plant a rose garden, or actually START their baby books.
Enjoy the below bear shots. Isn't the progression neat? The shots are taken at 1 , 2 and 3 months.