Yesterday was beautiful.
I spent the day dedicated to celebrating my motherhood far removed from my mothering duties! I could feel guilty about this, but I choose not to. As Scott said, "If you were with your kids all day, it would be like any other day!"
So he treated me to a massage and a lunch out with a friend and an hour at Cairbou to journal and read to myself. (In my defense, I did FINALLY come home and took a long walk with my family... a perfect ending to a perfect day!)
And the man stayed home. ALL DAY LONG. When I returned from my galavanting around, he was still in his pajamas, looking exhausted (come to think of it, a lot like what I look like most days - HA!). He had played with the kids, kept up with the dishes, switched loads of laundry, planned dinner, and managed to stay sane! What a stud.
The day was so great. I felt as though I had had my "moments" in the week leading up to Mother's Day. Lots of journaling and tearfulness. It's such a crazy time in my head... missing my own mother.... wishing, as a mother, that Duncan could be with me still... But by the time Sunday came, I was very present and content and cheerful. How blessed I am!
What a perfect day for you hon! And way to go Scott for stepping up! Sometimes it is just what they need to appreciate us just a bit more and how hard us Mommies work:) I am so proud of Scott the Stud!
So envious! That was similar to the dream I had in my head, but there were too many things going of for me to relax that way. So glad you got in some quality R&R.
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